How to install Spriv’s Windows Adaptive Two Factor Authentication for Remote Desktop

Essential first steps to install Windows Adaptive Two Factor Authentication

  1. Register a new account at
  2. Download and install the Spriv application on your mobile phone.
  3. Pair between your new account and Spriv’s application on your mobile phone.

How to install Spriv’s Windows Adaptive Two Factor Authentication for Remote Desktop:

Prerequisite: complete the essential first steps listed above. The video below demonstrates how to:

  1. Install Spriv’s Adaptive 2FA for Windows Remote Desktop.
  2. Configure your service account (API Key/Secret.)
  3. Configure your aliases and usernames.
  4. Test remote access to the new two-factor authentication Remote Desktop.

For step by step install instructions: adaptive two factor authentication remote desktop RDP

The video below demonstrates what the user experience is like when you use Spriv’s two-factor authentication to access Windows Remote Desktop:

  1. Adaptive Authentication: The fastest windows adaptive two factor authentication second channel in the world! In most cases does not requires user intervention! Spriv’s patented technology transforms the user’s mobile phone into Risk Based Two Factor Authentication device. Spriv’s method is an automatic, active, secondary online authentication system that can work without user intervention, replacing today’s passive, manual authentication methods that require user intervention upon every login.
  2. Allow/Deny: One time two-factor authentication.
  3. TOTP: Allows for two-factor authentication access when the user has no Internet or carrier reception.
  4. Two-way SMS: Allows for two-factor authentication in the absence of Spriv’s application.
  5. Bypass: two-factor authentication for when the user has lost or forgotten their mobile phone.