How to install Spriv’s Windows Adaptive Two Factor Authentication for Remote Desktop
Essential first steps to install Windows Adaptive Two Factor…
Getting Started
Unleash the power of Spriv’s Unix-Linux Adaptive PAM Multi…
Unix/Linux PAM Adaptive Two Factor Authentication
Spriv is the only company to successfully build Unix/Linux…
Continuous Two Factor Authentication
This section explains how to configure your web service to work with Spriv's API Code Two Factor Authentication workflow....
Adaptive Two Factor Authentication Remote Desktop (RDP)
The instructions below will assist you in installing Spriv's Two Factor Authentication (Credential Provider) for Remote....
Spriv's Adaptive Two Factor Authentication
Spriv is free for 10 users without any obligation, and with no credit card required. Use it to implement Spriv’s proof....
Account Recovery options
In order to secure access to Spriv's management portal, the management platform uses Two Factor Authentication....
Company 2FA Settings
In order to manage your 2FA settings: Go to and click on ‘Client Login’ enter your Username / Password....
Users Management - Terms
Go to and click on ‘Client Login’ enter your Username / Password and navigate to: ‘User management’
Users Management - Add Users
Go to and click on 'Client Login' enter your Username / Password and navigate to: 'User management'....
Users Management - Account Profile
Go to and click on ‘Client Login’ enter your Username / Password and navigate to: ‘Account update’.....
How the Pairing process works?
Pairing Process: The unique process whereby Spriv links one specific phone with one specific username ....